When it comes to mystical stories, about bloody murders and reprisals, about the death of loved ones and real human grief, about long police investigations that have been stinging even professionals, you need to drink strong alcohol, and eat yesterday's sandwich. Try not to look in the mirror so as not to stumble upon a long -shaved and endlessly tired face, and put the phone on an answering machine, because not only you hate yourself, but also your boss, despotically knocking out the results of you.
When it comes to templates, see. above, but if you want to hear something truly interesting, look for an excellent coffee shop, order decent coffee there, and a good piece of a juicy cherry pie to it and remember that owls are not what they seem.
“Diana, now 11:30 in the morning, February 24, I drive to the town of Twin Pix. Five miles from Canada and twelve miles west of the state border. I have not seen so many trees in my life ".
If you are not yet familiar with the agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman and even the edge of the ear did not hear about the clever and beauty Laura Palmer, in a hurry to replenish your knowledge of watching one of the best TV shows of the last century-the series Twin Pix. If you are not a new guest of this Wigwam, but his restless residents are already starting to contact you by name, it will never hurt to plunge into the stream of strange and frightening fantasies of Frost and Lynch again, especially since very soon the story will find its continuation.
We decided to go further and not only revise the series, but also think-what trace he left behind in history and whether it is possible to find something similar in the game industry? Not all games included in our selection are inspired by an American television project, but in each of them we saw what will not only remind the players of obvious details and parallels, but also introduce them to the spirit of such an ambiguous universe.
It is not at all necessary to get acquainted with each series in order to play in all the game presented in the selection, even vice versa - an ignorant viewer, perhaps, with their help, will only arouse curiosity and with even greater enthusiasm will take up viewing. Those who know "Twin Pix" From the nineties or I saw him already in the record, we will try to give the opportunity to again experience the feelings and moods that the history of the mysterious murder of an American schoolgirl once gave.
Alan Wake (2010)
“This is not a lake. This is the ocean ".
The first and most obvious guest of our collection is a mystical story about books, a writer, real darkness and flashlights, Alan Wake from Finnish Remedy. There is also its own piece of one-story America: Bright Falls lost in the forests, unfriendly rednecks and enveloping, and then completely suffocating darkness.
Alan Wake is a modern writer, worthy opponent of Stephen King. And Alan Wake is you. And you now have a serious stupor, your hands do not want to take on your favorite printing machine - in general, a creative crisis as it is. Your girlfriend and your literary agent, he is part -time your best friend, decided that there was no better place for the confused author than a remote town. Fresh air, amazing landscapes, and nearby, very by hand, - a psychiatric hospital for patients from the sphere of art, but the further to the forest, the longer you look for the return trip.
It begins wrong when the beloved disappears, and the whole world around the world suddenly goes crazy, becomes angry, bloodthirsty and obsessed. The authors of the game define the genre as a psychological thriller, however, mysticism in this story has a much large role than the internal conflicts of the hero, so the statement is controversial.
Twin Pixes and Alan Wake are not identical to each other. Lynch, with his series, sought not so much to inform, who really killed the girl, and not even so much devote the viewer to the intricacies of the secret games of the supernatural, how to show the drama and the relationship of people, taking the attention of the viewer with a strong intrigue, and then translating his eyes on the characters and the environment. Sam Lake, the scriptwriter of the game, although he filled his world with a lot of details, told the story of another-to some extent, perhaps, wanting to show us, his internal fears, understandable only to those who are sincerely obsessed with his literature.
However, they simply could not pay tribute to the series in Alan Wake, and therefore Bright Folls would invariably resemble Twin Pixes: a crazy woman with a kerosene lamp under his arm-a lady with a log, and OH Deer Diner snack with her decoration is a similar institution from the series , and the local sawmill, as in Twin Pixes, plays an important role.
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut (2013)
"Common sense sometimes interferes to accept facts".
This game was compared even before the exit with Twin Pixes, which forced the developers to push the release date. They certainly processed something, but, considering that we see Deadly Premonition in our selection, to the end to destroy all the threads leading to the American series Access Games It did not work out.
In many reviews, articles and videos, and from your own experience you will understand that this game is a little crazy. Or maybe not a little, but all the madness that is happening inside is successfully coexisted with the plot and gameplay, and indeed Asian games will always seem wild and outlandish to us, and you can’t blame the developers, all the trouble with the difference in cultures.
But, one way or another, if you are interested in mysterious murders, frightening killers and a meeting with the worlds beyond an ordinary life, then Deadly Premonition is for you. Some, of course, may confuse the uncomfortable firing mechanics - at the same time pouring enemies with lead and circle by location at your two will not work, or go, or shoot, but heroically accustomed to such a game will reveal all its charm.
In addition to obvious things, such as the murder of an innocent girl as a mysterious maniac and the place of action in the person of the provincial town of Greenweil, Deadly Premonition refers to Twin Pixes and his main character - the charming specialist Francis York Morgana Morgan. And not only a kind of humor of the hero and the invariable love of coffee hints to us in a resemblance to the same atypical Dale Cooper, but also constant negotiations with a certain Zak, very similar to reports for Dayana - invisible helpers, or friends, or simply Actor Maclahlen's Dictaphone of the Hero.
Silent Hill (1999–2012)
"We forget some things, and some are never forgotten".
Another Japanese project, this time from the development team Team Silent. We admit that it is also a little strange for us to see in this thematic selection such an independent game with our unique world and philosophy, but to pass by without noticing the similarity is very difficult.
And we are not talking about a specific game, we are talking about the whole series, but mainly about the most important, largest, but perhaps for some of the most inconspicuous character: the town of Silenth Hill. Like Twin Pix, he has long turned into a separate phenomenon, into a synonym for himself, in the name of a common house. The residence of hell, or rather, purgatory, where your main enemy is yourself, and everyone brings punishment to the best of their damage.
Silent Hill is not a parody of Twin Pix and not a tribute to him, it is a game abstracted from the series, where everything lives and occurs according to its own rules, in its special mythology, and perhaps the main similarity can be found. Team Silent and Frost with Lynch talk about different things, but they use similar methods.
As on Twin Pixes, in Silent Hill, great attention is given to what lies not on the surface, what you need to pay attention to separately. Signs, symbols, sounds and images ... Live in the foggy town of Owls - they probably would not have been what they seem.
Silent Hill creates genuine stress, a real Saspenses that would even praise Hitchcock, and music plays an important role in this. Musical accompaniment from Akira Yamaoki became cult even outside the game, and fascinating melodies from the first moments forced us to remember fog and fear, and delight. A similar situation has Twin Pixes with composer Angelo Badalament.
The game and the series can be called similar, but do not get involved in the search for parallels. Still, first of all, they are united by the incredible skill of the creators, and following the saying - the geniuses of thoughts converge.
Husk (2017)
"" Come to Schivercliffe, it will be fun ", - yeah, how can".
The English word "husk" in one of the translation options sounds like "husk". Well, maybe to some extent it is true.
Matthew Palmer, whose surname, perhaps the only thing that connects Husk and Twin Pixes is your hero. Your father, on the eve of close death, sent you a letter, asking you to come for a couple of days in order to at least say goodbye human. You do not particularly like your father, but you need to respect the old man, so you are going to your native Schivercliffe, taking with you a wife and daughter.
Husk claims the multi -layer of the plot, and first of all it is a game of how to live. Rare monologues introduce you to your past, and at the same time screw the unpretentious morality into your head: do not drink, do not smoke, do not hit women and all like that. The message, of course, is true, but what does Twin Peaks have to do with it?
The game initially positioned itself as a kind of tribute to the masters of the genre. Neither Silent Hill, nor Alan Wake, nor Twin Pixes left the mention. The place of action is again a provincial town, it also smells of wood, because it is not far a sawmill, and fish, because the settlement is located on the coast. Actually, it will not have to be guessed in it by Twin Pixes and Bright Folls for a long time if you have heard about them at least with the corner of your ear, the association will arise immediately.
But do not rush to rejoice - playing on your impressions of successful projects, Husk will quickly cool all the ardor with a uniform gameplay and boring levels. Yes, Lynch also raised the questions of both domestic violence and tyranny in the series, but no one put it at the forefront in Twin Pixes, the series was a cut of American society as a whole, so the presence of a social context in the game, not very intelligible mysticism, is unlikely to bring Husk closer to the sources of his inspiration.
Nevertheless, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with this indie project, because the debutants-developers began health and, who knows, maybe in subsequent games they will not end up for the rest, but an openly high price tag, coupled with many negative reviews, will repel you all wish.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (2014)
"You made me real" Goldenbet sister sites.
At the same time, such a similar The Vanishing of Ethan Carter has much more chances to lure you into your history than the aforementioned Husk. Here we will also look for a missing child, also encounter mysterious and inexplicable, the gameplay is not varied, and one of the key topics will be a family. But no matter how much we find echoing details, the thoughtful and sad adventure of the private detective Paul Prospero will be two heads above the desperate searches of Matthew Palmer.
Our last thing. Our last test. We are looking for a boy, his name is Ethan Carter, and he himself began all this, asking him to find.
There will be no city here. There will be no residents here. There will be so much magic and fantasy that Twin Peaks could choke on an overdose. There will be many trees here. And roads, trails, secret moves, and standing at home. There will be nothing to worry about, but we are scared. As in cold and empty Dear Esther , where loneliness and occasionally looming black figure for some reason forces us to constantly wait for a nightmare.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is much easier than Twin Pixes, and a short -lived story about it is able to replace the search for searches and solutions of puzzles ... That is why we will not tell you anything superfluous. The impressions of this game should be real and personal. And everyone should come to their conclusion. And everyone should see the story in their own way. And everyone must find Itana Carter himself.
Virginia (2016)
"... Based on the official report, this story was written".
The situation with Virginia is completely similar to the situation with Husk, although the games are not related to each other. As well as with the series “Twin Pix”, which does not prevent the authors from shamelessly use loud names and specify on the topic of the gaming atmosphere and send.
Virginia is actually not a game at all - this is a full -length animated film, in which, it is not known why, sometimes you can turn a camera. What exactly is this walking simulator? And you definitely won’t answer here - the conceptual solution of the authors not to introduce dialogs into the game, limiting himself to the ethics of the characters to magnificent music, kills all the understanding of what is happening on the screen.
There is a quiet American town where two FBI agents have been sent in connection with the disappearance of the child: one has been working for more than a year, the second is a green newcomer, and we have to observe all subsequent events. And at first everything seems to be even clear, and the action takes place sequentially, throughout the week, showing the whole process of investigation, but closer to the Virginia finale does not just a somersault, but a triple somersault with a coup, and you are motionless to complete insanity.
If for the community between Twin Pixes and Virginia to take exactly the mystery of what is happening, a lot of abandoned intrigues and incomprehensible moments, then they are really similar in some ways, but only the series, unlike the game, in addition to riddles, has a intelligible and even interesting plot, which shamelessly beautiful and melodic short stories about undercover games in the bureau cannot boast.
Kentucky Route Zero (2013)
“It is even useful for him. It is very important to know how ... hmm. What to do when you are left alone ".
And even behind the wheel of his old truck and with a faithful dog under the side of old man Konuay inevitably drives up to the edge, having drove beyond which the game, instead of a work of art, runs the risk of being something slurred and poorly digested.
As in the case of Virginia, the creators of Kentucky Route Zero are too actively flirting with allusions and foggy metaphors. The meanings invested in the game, you seem to feel, but, no matter how you try, you can’t understand and decorate in any way. But still, the road adventure of an antique shop employee, although it deliberately confuses the player and does not pamper too much the variety of the gameplay, easily captivates you into your world, wonderful and wonderful.
C "Twin Pix" is probably the general mood of the road, or rather, the way that everyone has their own. Like the Cooper agent, you have to meet a lot of incomprehensible and completely incomprehensible, get acquainted with the most unusual people and be content with the simplest, but therefore no less expensive joys.
Here no one killed anyone, and otherworldly forces are not eager for attempts, if not to win the world, then at least quench the thirst for blood. Kentucky Route Zero is a leisurely and thoughtful project, sometimes even too thoughtful, but the mood that he creates is still paying for this small minus.
Life is Strange (2015)
“The world was completely different when we were children, is it not so?.."
And it will be completely stupid to declare in relation to the eighth game from our selection that the game refers us to Twin Pixes only by the fact that the action in it takes place in a small town on the outflow of civilization, but what to do? It was the series that gave rise to the fashion for this now beaten script. The similarity between Twin Pix and Arkady-Bay has a place to be, but this is not enough, isn't it so?
Max Caulfield, a schoolgirl and a young photographer with dreams of a star future, not wanting it herself, gains the ability to manage time. And not to say that her life after such a gift of fate became more pleasant. On the contrary, the gift turned into a curse. The mood of some fatal inevitability and responsibility for committed acts is imbued with Life is Strange, unconditionally inspired by the 2001 tape of Donny Darko with the very young James Gyllenchol.
The game is similar to the “Twin Pix” not so much the surroundings and the ongoing mysticism, although here the mysterious magic of ancient Indian tribes did not pass by, and we will often stumble upon totemic idols, as much as our attitude to the world that exists inside.
As in the series of Lynch, here the mystical component is only a wrapper to reflect human relations. This is not science fiction for science fiction. Like the Strugatsky, like Bradbury, like King and as in Twin Pixes, the supernatural only lures the viewer in order to introduce him to a serious philosophy.
In Life is Strange, solving riddles and looking for a non-incompetent kidnapper and maniac hiding among the inhabitants of a peaceful town, we will invariably encounter other aspects of Arkady-Bay life. And, as the slightly paraphrased message says, migrated to the game from the notorious Telltale : “All decisions you have taken are reflected in the past, present and future. Choose wisely ... "
Puzzle Agent (2010)
“Remember, it doesn’t matter where the marmots are hidden - in the top or in the swamp, exactly sixteen fish should reach the river”.
Since we mentioned Telltale, they and cards in our hands. One of the early projects of the studio, called Puzzle Agent, will complete our selection of atmospheric games.
It often turns out that it is in the genre of an outright parody that the most similar things similar to the original are hidden. So here. The hero Puzzle Agent is a man of exceptional intelligence and resourcefulness, a special agent of the FBI, related to the department of the unraveling of puzzles, Nelson Teters. The bureau sent him to the snowy deaf -haired, reproducing all kinds of puzzles - the town of Skugins.
"Twin Pix" on Puzzle Agent is not just a tribute to respect - in some places the developers even allow themselves to frankly laugh at the series. Take at least the conversations of the protagonist with his voice recorder, where he slanders complete nonsense over and over again, and sometimes notes for himself that the meaning is in such conversations with Gulkin’s nose, but work is work.
For graphic design in Puzzle Agent, the author of the original source, American artist and animator Graham Annebble is responsible. His diverse cartoons and without a slender narrative cause conflicting feelings: I want to laugh and worry at the same time. In Puzzle Agent, many works of the author are united under the wing of a single plot, and, in our opinion, this was only good for the game.
The story of Nelson Teters in places is ironic, but this does not set up an exclusively comedic way. There is a place for both gloomy mysticism and a twisted detective. The gameplay itself is mainly a solution to puzzles that will crawl out of the most unexpected and inaccessible places.
Here no one killed Laura Palmer, and the crime, which brought the federal agent to the cold boogins, albeit roughly speaking, a terrorist attack, but only at the factory for the manufacture of erasers. Although this is only one side of the coin, and what is actually hiding behind a chain of various mysteries, you will only find out when you decide to go through the game yourself.
What can be said in conclusion? Look, play, wait. And if not so briefly, then, having familiarized yourself with the games from our collection, you risk not only infected the Twin Pixe mood, but simply spend your time on excellent, with some exceptions, projects that show us without any connection with the cult show Independent worlds. Demons and Easter ladies are just a pleasant addition, because the authors, albeit using the techniques of the masters of the past, try to convey their thoughts, experiences and feelings to us.
Twin Pixes once made a real revolution both in his genre and in television shows as a whole. Now, of course, when we see things such as “Game of Thrones” and “All Great” on the screens, this difference is not felt so much, but believe me - the series deserves your attention. And he will deserve again and again.
The new season "Twin Pix" is already on the screens, and therefore it is worth spending a little time to prepare for viewing.
Read at Mirf.ru: “twin-pix”: who killed Laura Palmer and other questions and answers